



Here you will find more information about the many modules we can deliver within COMMUNICATION:











Every opportunity in life comes to us through another human being, therefore our human network is an essential part of achieving our goals. This workshop will offer a simple introductory set of tools that students can use as they start to face the increasing challenges of face to face networking.

Learning outcomes

  • The importance of building longer term relationships

  • Reading others through words, body language and tonality

  • Projecting an assertive presence


The number one skill that employers look for in the majority of candidates is the ability to be understood, and understand others. This session aims to deliver an understanding of how we communicate with one another, as well as the foundation techniques to become a stronger and more effective communicators.

Learning outcomes

  • How to make a strong first impression

  • Using body language

  • Controlling our tone of voice

We all want to feel listened to, acknowledged, understood and where possible respected. In this workshop or seminar, we look at the fundamental skills of assertive behaviour And how assertiveness can help even the most introverted person act and be treated as an equal in human interactions.

Learning outcomes

  • Building an equality-based mindset to communication

  • Becoming a more influential communicator

  • Learning situational Extroversion


The further children progress through their school lives, the greater the opportunity or requirement to present ideas to others. This is also one of the key life skills in the professional world. In this workshop or seminar students learn to build a simple 60 second presentation in this session which they present in small groups to each other and receive constructive and confidence building critiques from one another and the trainer.

Learning outcomes

  • Understanding your audience and meeting their needs

  • Formatting your presentation

  • How to stay calm and in control

School leavers are far more likely than ever to live and work in a cross-cultural environment. In this workshop or seminar we create a fundamental understanding of what culture is, how it affects all of us, and how to use that understanding to flex the way we communicate with others.

Learning outcomes

  • Awareness of why culture affects how we communicate

  • Changing attitudes towards cultural difference

  • Simple communication techniques to deal with culturally different approaches


One of the greatest everyday barriers to peaceful and sustainable communication is our inability to effectively deal with conflict. Many of us actively avoid conflict which leaves problems on solved, can damage relationships, and even create greater conflicts in the future. The reality is that managing conflict is a lot easier than most people think and in this session we show students a number of simple but effective techniques that they can use every day to better manage difficult conversations with each other.

Learning outcomes

  • Understanding the causes of conflict

  • Learning techniques to better react to conflict

  • Simple approaches to creating amicable solutions

Meeting new people sounds easy, but for many it creates deep feelings of anxiety which can roadblock new relationships. As students prepare to leave school their success in life will be affected by their ability to start and build new relationships. In this session we show how meeting new people requires a specific mindset abnd a few easy-to-use techniques. We will practice these and build confidence in even the most anxious communicator.

Learning outcomes

  • The importance of building longer term relationships

  • How human networks work

  • How to be mentally and physically ‘present’ for others

  • Reading others through words, body language and tonality

  • Projecting an assertive presence


Our voices are such an important part of the way people perceive us, yet most of us are never taught the simple techniques that add authority and influence to it. Using expertise gathered in professional presentation and a detailed understanding of paralanguage, we give a practical guide to building confidence in our own voice.

 Learning outcomes

  • Discover why some voices sound more influential than others

  • Discovering the 6-step vocal ‘toolbox’.

  • Hearing the difference in your voice through reflective coaching

First impressions are mainly formed through how we look. Not our clothes or image, but our Bod Language. We can all read it, but few understand how to use body language to our advantage. In this fascinating workshop we unpack the basics of body language and explore how to use everyday techniques to better navigate our relationships.

Learning outcomes

  • Exploring the basics of reading body language.

  • Discover the basic body language toolbox, and how to use it to positive effect everyday.

  • An understanding of how Bod Language affects our voice, and our attitude.


The Win-Win Deal is the aim of any negotiation, yet many of us fail to recognise how crucial Negotiations are in everyday life, so we don’t approach negotiations scenarios with the right strategy or process. Good negotiators learn the importance of good planning, communication, and the value of ongoing relationships. This popular session taps into a skill set we use every day without realising it. How to get what you want or need from someone else while also achieving a ‘win-win’ outcome.


Learning outcomes

  • The 8 steps for a good negotiation.

  • Understanding how crucial compromises are.

  • Effective use of language and strategy.