



Our lives depend on us being able to set goals that we can achieve. All goals need deadlines to be any use. Students up to the age of 18 have been shown to be poorly prepared to do either so this session addresses that skills gap with ideas from the worlds of business, sport and young people themselves on how to set goals and meet deadlines. It also offers an insight into the ‘roadmap of our lives’ and how our life to date is replete with crucial goals and achievements. The Roadmap, and how to set simple goals. Looking ahead, starting to make simple plans and mapping out a route into our future lives starts with understanding that every success in our life is the result of a series of small but significant decisions.


In this thought provoking and practical session students of all ages reflect on their life to date and are given simple but impactful tools that will help them set achievable goals for their futures.


Learning outcomes

  • The importance of our personal goals

  • How to Discover our Goals

  • Time Management and Making Quick Decisions

  • SMART tips on Goal Setting

  • The positive affect of setting goals on our lives