



Here you will find more information about the many modules we can deliver within LEADERSHIP:





When you choose your student leaders, you hope that they will take a key role in influencing their student community. No matter how well you have chosen them, your new prefects may not possess the basic skills needed by every leader; Self-awareness, understanding of their values system, a sense of their goals and motivation…and finally, how to use all of these with a handful of techniques to be better leader everyday. This session will deliver more advanced leadership ideas through discussion, team, and individual challenges to help produce a better prepared Student Leadership team for your school.


Learning outcomes

  • Defining what leadership means to us all, and in the context of being a prefect

  • Building individual self-awareness that forms the foundational elements of every leader

  • Situational decision making tools for everyday use in practical and ethical situations.


Leadership starts with leading ourselves though decisions. We’ve developed this content to address this challenge and it focuses on the foundations of personal leadership like Values, Ethics, Goals and Beliefs. We also show students how to stand, act and communicate to others like leaders. This popular session is a practical group-based seminar that always provoked discussion and self-awareness in young leaders.


Learning outcomes

  • Leadership as a personal responsibility

  • The basis of personal leadership

  • Relationship Focused Leadership

  • How Leadership applies to students’ 6th form careers and beyond

  • Key skills and qualities of leadership

  • Practical tips and approaches to leading themselves and others in a variety of scenarios

As we move through senior school towards adulthood, we are asked to make more and more decision about our lives. Most of us are never properly prepared for this challenge, so choices are often unnecessarily tougher. In this insightful and highly practical session we explain this challenge, and unpack 3 key tools that we can all use to help make better, more confident decisions.

Learning outcomes

  • The key points in life where decision making occurs

  • How to better understand ourselves and our needs

  • Understanding ‘The Toolbox’; The 3 key techniques used in making everyday decisions.


A popular accompaniment to our ‘Young Leaders’ programme, this module adds an immersive role play scenario based on a global energy crisis. Teams playing well defined roles must make ethical, time-critical, and goal-oriented decisions.

Their performance is monitored and coached throughout, and students make use of a toolkit of leadership decision making techniques that also apply to their everyday and increasingly complex lives.


This session is an exciting challenge that never fails to engage students and provoke them to test their own leadership skill set. The result is a greater self-awareness of personal leadership abilities.


Learning outcomes – Students will have an awareness of:

  • Critical thinking

  • Fast decision making

  • Prioritisation

  • Taking Risks

  • Strategic thinking

  • Interpersonal Communication

  • The importance of creative solutions

  • There often being no right solution, only the least wrong